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24 minutes ago
Proverbs 2 tells of the value in a life of wisdom. The opening verse speaks of a faithful father’s advice to his son. As Solomon is the author he would be recollecting David’s advice to him. Verses 1-22 present wisdom as a precious treasure and a safeguard against choosing bad company, or acting against the commandments of the LORD. Wisdom will not be gained without wholehearted effort. But the effort expended will be richly compensated. God will grant wisdom to the diligent seekers. These seekers will develop characteristics that will be pleasing to their Father. The other side of the coin describes the avoidance of traps that we lay for ourselves when we trust in ourselves. We will shun the wicked woman whose heart is set upon capturing and destroying the upright. She is the other woman in Proverbs. The evil, lurking woman is described in detail in chapter 5.Verses 20 to 22 tell us that those who choose to walk in wisdom’s way will inherit the eternal kingdom of Christ on earth. At the same time of the inheritance of the unfaithful – the wicked – will, verse 22, be rooted from the earth. Those thoughts are the same as those found in Psalm 37.

24 hours ago
24 hours ago
Luke 15 records the three parables of the lost – sheep, coin and son. “All we like sheep have gone astray” (Isaiah 53) but hopefully we have been recovered by our chief Shepherd 1 Peter 5. However, how poor it was that the coin was lost in the house of believers. Was it lost because of an oversight, or, even worse, because of a lack of care due to the preoccupation of those self interested occupants of the ecclesial house? God only knows! But like in the parable of the lost sheep there is great joy in heaven and on earth in the recovery of the coin. Finally we are told the parable of the Prodigal (or wasteful) son. The wasteful son through hardship brought on by his own lack of understanding of the great benefits that come to all who are blessed to be in our Father’s house; as well as the Prodigal son’s own greed. In his hardship that son has time to reflect on the love of the father (Father) and to find opportunity to return to the household. The father was anxiously waiting for any news of his son’s return and runs to meet his lost son and receives him with great feasting and rejoicing. The elder son symbolises the self righteous Pharisees who could feel no joy when those who they contemptuously call sinners joyfully embrace the father’s graciousness. Let us read aloud verses 31 and 32. Then pause, ponder and make sure we love our gracious Father and rejoice when His children return to the fold.

2 days ago
2 days ago
The Life Of Christ # 76 Thou hast the words of eternal life ( John 6:48-71) by John Martin

3 days ago
3 days ago
Numbers 3 briefly tells us of the genealogy of Aaron, the High Priest, and of his 4 sons (two of whom Nadab and Abihu, were slain by Yahweh on the opening day of the Tabernacle) – the priests – the other 2 sons being Eleazar and Ithamar. Verses 5-39 outlines the duties of the Levites. As a result of their faithfulness, in the tragedy of the idolatry associated with the golden calf, the Levites became the ministers who acted for the LORD and in service of the Tabernacle. The Levites answered Yahweh’s call: “Who is on My side?” There were 3 sons born to Levi, who was Jacob’s 3rd son. Levi’s sons were Gershom, Kohath and Merari. These were responsible for the carrying of the Tabernacle and its furniture. The special items of furniture were carried by the Kohathites. The numbers of adult males for the 3 clans is stated in the record. Verses 40 to 51 speaks of the redemption of the firstborn males of the Levites and of their cattle. The valuation for the male Levites was 5 shekels of silver per person.
Psalm 148 completes the Deuteronomy Psalms. The writer, in verses 1 to 12, calls upon every created being to praise Yahweh. Even the inanimate natural created objects to praise the Almighty Creator. Verses 13 and 14 tell us that the greatest praise is due to the LORD because of the redemptive work of our God in raising up “a horn of salvation” for His people Israel and for His saints (the faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ). Note how these words are quoted by Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, in Luke 1 verses 68 and 69.Psalms 149 and 150 are the conclusion to the Psalms; just as Psalms 1 and 2 were the introduction. The Book of Psalms is brought to a crescendo in these two Psalms(149 and 150).Psalms 149 and 2 are companion Psalms which carry the same essential message – the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will be established by the power of the Almighty. None can prevent the kingdom from coming; and the Almighty’s wisdom is to be found among those who submit to the divine authority: all resistance will be totally crushed. So the two Psalms bookend the Book of the Psalms. Psalm 149 calls upon the righteous to be glad and rejoice in their king. The humble will extol the triumph of their God. Together with their praises is a readiness to avenge all wickedness in high places (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).Psalm 150 is a song that was accompanied by a massive orchestra composed of all manner of instruments. It calls upon everything with breath to praise the Name of Yahweh. Every verse of the song commences with Hallelujah, meaning praise Yah; and the Psalm concludes with Hallelujah. Let everyone of us praise God with our lips; but more importantly let us glorify Him by the way we live.
In Luke 13 the enemies of the Lord maliciously attack him by drawing his attention to the Galileans, who Pilate had slaughtered as they were sacrificing in Jerusalem. Jesus tells his audience of Judeans of a recent event where a wall in Siloam – Jerusalem’s backyard – fell on many Judeans. Did it happen because they were bad sinners? No, on both counts – but both tragedies provided opportunities for reflection and repentance. This is followed in chapter 13 by the parable of the barren fig tree which represents Israel’s failure to bring forth fruit to God. Jesus next, on the Sabbath day heals a woman with an unclean spirit. The parables of the mustard seed and the leaven come next in the record. Then the record speaks of the parable of the narrow door, through which every disciple must strive to enter. Our Lord Jesus Christ laments over Jerusalem – to be torn down stone by stone as the leprous house. He will be welcomed in the Kingdom, when they would say, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord” (Psalm 118 verse 26). Chapter 14 of Luke begins with Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath day. That man had clearly been planted as a test for Jesus. Would he heal on the Sabbath day? The Lord was invited to speak at a dinner for Pharisees and Jesus gives advice in the parable of the wedding feast. Then came another parable about the great banquet to which each invited class found excuses not to attend. These people who were called by the gospel to come to the wedding feast of the Son of God all adjudged themselves unworthy of eternal life in the kingdom. As a result of their rejection we have graciously been offered a place. Two parables follow which tell us that as disciples of Jesus we must about count the cost of discipleship and wholeheartedly pursue that goal. Every disciple of our Lord must accept the peace that our Sovereign offers to us through the emissaries of the gospel and then make peace with Him: Ephesians 2 verses 11 to 22. The chapter concludes with the need for zest and salt among our Master’s disciples. Salt speaks of sincerity in Christ’s disciples as we are told in 1 Corinthians 5 verses 6 to 8.

3 days ago
3 days ago
Numbers chapter 2 describes the arrangement of the camp of Israel. Everything that their Sovereign gave to His people Israel was orderly and purposeful. Even in what might seem to be simple matters there were divine principles being taught to the Almighty’s family. Each tribe had its banner, or flag. Three tribes camped on each side of the central Sanctuary, where the Tabernacle was located. The three tribes grouped on the eastern side of the Tabernacle under the flag of Judah – the lion – were Judah, at the head, and Issachar and Zebulon. On the southern side encamped a further three tribes under the standard of Reuben, the man, these were – Reuben, Simeon and Gad. The order stated for the tribes and for the furniture and tent of the Tabernacle was for camping and setting forth; as verse 34 tells us. What this chapter does not tell us is that the ark of the covenant led the Israelites on their journeying(Numbers 10:33-36).
Psalm 145 is a Psalm of David which could be titled as, “I will extol you my God and my King”. Verses 1 to 3 tell of our Sovereign’s greatness and of the worthiness of praising His Name. Verses 3 to 7 speak of each subsequent generation of God’s people would relate His awesome deeds and extol and praise their LORD. Verses 8 and 9 summarise the character of the Almighty,“Yahweh is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in stedfast love. Yahweh is good to all, and His mercy is over all that He has made” (ESV). Compare these thoughts with the LORD’s revealing, to Moses, His Name and what it meant(Exodus 34 verses 5to 7).The Psalmist proclaims that the remembrance of this would continue to cause the people of God to praise Him and acclaim His greatness.Psalm146 deals with the powerlessness of every human regardless of their supposed status and power . The prophet Isaiah also commented on this, “Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?” (Isaiah 2 verse 22, ESV). We must praise God while we have breath. Hezekiah tells us this following his miraculous healing from leprosy. The Almighty extended Hezekiah’s life by 15 years. And the king’s response was, “For Sheol does not thank You; death does not praise You; those that go down to the pit do not hope for Your faithfulness. The living, the living, he thanks You as I do this day; the father makes known to the children Your faithfulness” Isaiah 38 verses 18 and 19(ESV). There is no consciousness in death as verses 3-4 state. Thought ceases when we breathe out our last breath. What a contrast to the Omnipotent Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth. When our Sovereign stoops to aid the powerless no power in heaven or earth can resist Him. Verse 8 tells us that He particularly takes up the cause of the widows and the fatherless (Psalm 68 verses 5 and 6; and so must we James 1 verse 27). But the wicked will be dealt with speedily. Praise our God forever you citizens of Zion. Let all generations to come praise Him. Hallelujah.Psalm 147 tells us that our God is the One who heals the broken hearted. Verses 1-3 celebrate the care of our Heavenly Father in gathering the outcasts. The awesome power of the Creator is told in verses 4-5; as He knows each star by name. Verse 6 tells of His gentleness. What a wonderful combination of characteristics are present with our God. Hannah spoke of them in her prayer recorded in 1 Samuel 2 verses 1 to 10. In Psalm 147 verse 7 the faithful are called upon to offer thanksgiving to their Sovereign. Once again verses 8-10 blend His great power and His disdain for human pride. What He asks from His children is reverence and a trust for His stedfast love. Verses 12 to 20 tell of the blessings He bestows upon His children. But note that the emphasis upon the knowing of His Word and the understanding of His ways are stressed above and beyond any of the material blessings.
In Luke 12 the Lord counsels regarding the destructive teachings of the Pharisees. Our Lord Jesus says to his followers to have no fear when they are tried and killed by the religious authorities. This is because our Father has power over everything – including life and death. When giving testimony before rulers believers would be aided in their witness. In the parable in this chapter of the rich fool (based on the life of Nabal in 1 Samuel 25) our Lord refuses to arbitrate in a property dispute between two brothers. Instead Jesus turns the opportunity into a discussion about the dangers of covetousness and the need to be rich in loving service to God at all times. Christ urges the disciples to be free from anxiety. Look at nature and the Almighty’s abundantly providing out of His richness. Disciples need, as wise and faithful servants, to be in a state of continual readiness for their Lord’s coming. A constant challenge for disciples is that often times family opposition will be the result of a person’s acceptance of Christ. As disciples we must be alert to the era in which we live. Our Master is standing at the doorpost of our hearts and knocking: Revelation 3:20-21. Finally if believers find themselves in a dispute they need to quickly reach agreement with their adversaries or the results may be much worse.

5 days ago
5 days ago
In Luke 11 we start with a record of, what is termed, the Lord’s Prayer. It is a model prayer, not a mantra to be repeated without thought. It commenced with an acknowledgement of the Father’s awe inspiring status. The follows petitions for the Almighty’s will to be on earth, as it is in heaven. The kingdom will come when Messiah returns in glory. Lastly are personal petitions for forgiveness and for food. The prayer closed with an acclaim for the praise, greatness and glory of our Sovereign. Then followed generosity among friends and our need to be seekers, askers and knockers on doors. Our Father is generous and gives only benefits to His children. Upon curing a deaf mute Jesus is accused of doing it by a demon power Beel-zebul – the Lord of the dung heap. This was equivalent to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Jesus told them that if he was casting out diseases by a demonic power then he would be a destroyer of the kingdom of the enemy. No, like the magicians of Egypt at the time of Moses were forced to acknowledge- “this was the finger of God”. A parable of the need to fill with good after sweeping out evil followed. True happiness lay in hearing and keeping the Word of God. The sign of Jonah was given them. There is more to this sign than would first seem apparent. 1) Jonah from Gath-Hepher was from Galilee (John 7 verses 52 verse 2) Jonah means ‘dove’ the evident sign at Jesus’ baptism; 3) the overwhelming majority of Jesus’ disciples were Galilean as Isaiah 9 predicted; 4) Jonah spent three nights in the belly of hell inside the great fish before being symbolically resurrected. Then we are told to be single minded seekers. Woes upon the Pharisees and the Lawyers follow, because of their hypocrisy. Rather than having the effect of curtailing them they sought even more to provoke our Lord.

6 days ago
6 days ago
Luke 10 says that the Lord Jesus appoints seventy emissaries to spread the gospel message. These men were sent out two by two so as to support each other. Although they carry the message only within the confines of the land it was symbolic of the Gospel being taken to all the nations from Israel (compare Genesis 10 and Deuteronomy 32 verse 8). Once again these ambassadors were to take the minimum of provisions and to rely on faithful help. Any person scorning them would bare their condemnation. Three such Galilean cities are named and their inexcusable behaviour cataloged. The seventy returned to Jesus with triumphant tales. Christ indicates that their reports were a token of the triumph of Christ’s kingdom over those of this world (compare with Revelation 11 verse 15). The Lord then reveals that the Father’s will can only be understood by those receiving the kingdom message with a child-like trust. Let us take great heed to that lesson. The parable of the Good Samaritan, which is unique in Luke, portrays the perils and pitiful attitudes of those who should have understood their role among God’s people. Instead it is the Samaritan, whose care was evident for the man who had fallen among thieves. Jesus is the Samaritan of the parable and he will recompense those who have taken care of the Father’s people. The oil and wine was the healing balm of the Gospel message. The chapter concludes with a disagreement between Martha and Mary about what is most necessary. Both the roles of these two sisters are essential, but the most important of all is to sit at our Lord’s feet and to learn from Jesus.

7 days ago
7 days ago
Leviticus 26 tells of the Almighty,S vengeance on those who disregard their obligations to His covenant. Verses 1-2 reinforce what had been said concerning idols; and the need to keep the LORD uppermost in the Israelites’ minds by revering and keeping His Sabbaths.In verses 3 to13 God’s response to their faithfulness included many promises and blessings. Blessings of fruitfulness and peace. Blessings of protection and of Yahweh dwelling among His children. Verses 13 to 39 tell of their Sovereign’s demand for faithfulness; and the promise that Israel’s disobedience would bring punishments. These chastisements would include:-the bringing of plagues on His people; a powerlessness to stand before their enemies; wild beasts sent into the Land; the nation being consumed by famine. This section concludes by an appeal to faithfully following Yahweh’s covenant. For whether, or not, Israel obeyed the covenant the Land would continue with (or without) the nation. In peril if they considered their ways and prayed contritely to their Maker He would, because of His own faithfulness to the covenant made to their forefather, Abraham, restore them to the Promised Land.
Psalm 137 was a song about the lack of motivation to sing the songs of Zion, whilst Yahweh’s people were exiles in Babylon. The other peoples, who dwelt by the river Chebar, demanded that the Jewish exiles sing to them from the songs of Zion. The Jewish exiles refused, since they were sad and yearned for their homeland. The Psalm concludes by providing assurance to the Exiles that the LORD would bring vengeance upon Israel’s foes.Psalm 138 is a Psalm of thanksgiving from the pen of David. The writer tells how he would extol his God before the rulers of Israel. He spoke of his bowing in reverence before the LORD in the house of worship. David reminds the hearers of the loving kindness and faithfulness of his Sovereign; which were evident in God’s deliverance of David in response to his plea. The Psalmist anticipates Messiah’s reign when all the kings of the earth will acknowledge and worship Zion’s king; when the might of Yahweh’s right hand would be exercised in the establishment of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose throne would be upheld by the loving kindness and the faithfulness of his Father.Psalm 139 is another wonderful Psalm from David. The Psalm principally revolves around 3 themes the incomparable power of the Almighty; about the wisdom and care of the Creator for His children; and, lastly that when we to a small degree can comprehend those two things the Almighty Sovereign of the universe seeks to have a loving relationship with His reverential children. Verses 1 to 6 speak of our Maker’s inate capacity for instantaneous universal understanding. This is called Yahweh’s Omniscience. Verses 7 to12 describe the LORD’s ability to be everywhere present, by His Spirit power, at the same time. This characteristic is referred to as God’s Omnipresence. Verses 13 to 18 describe our Sovereign’s might, as evidenced in the production of the embryo and its growth into a living breathing sentient person – in particular the words in this section of the Psalm apply to our Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah). In verses 17 to18 David says that the contemplation of these matters overwhelms him. Finally, in verses 19-24 David makes a plea to his Almighty Maker to deal with his arrogant and evil foes; and for His God to search his thoughts and know that his love for the LORD is vast and his endeavours to walk in righteousness are completely sincere. And because of this David prays for his Sovereign “to lead him in the way everlasting”. May these thoughts and that prayer and determination be ours also.
Luke 9 tells of the commissioning of the twelve, who were sent to Israel’s lost sheep. They were seemingly unprepared, but took the Gospel forth in faith – note the similarity in the opening verses of chapters 8 and 9 (8 verse 1 compare 9 verses 1 and 2). We then read of Herod’s perplexity on hearing the report of Jesus’ ministry. The record of the feeding of the 5,000 was followed by the record of Jesus’ prayer in solitude. This prayer was followed by Peter’s confession that “Jesus was the Christ of God”. Jesus foretold of his sufferings, crucifixion and resurrection. The disciple is exhorted that it is imperative to take up one’s cross and follow Christ. The remaining segments of the chapter centre on Elijah. The transfiguration is recorded in verses 28-36 – where Moses, representing the Law; and Elijah the Prophets – are seen with our Lord in glory. The Father clearly showed that the surpassing, excellent glory was with His Son alone. A paralytic boy was cured by the Lord, when the 9 Apostles who had not gone into the Mount were frustrated by their inability to do so. Once more Jesus tells them of his coming suffering; which, yet again, fell on deaf ears; as they were preoccupied by self importance. Incredibly those who saw the transfiguration should have seen that their Lord alone was great and they must be the servants of the coming King. The twelve forbad a man, not of their company, from healing, and they earned the Lord’s rebuke – they who are not against us must be for us, said Jesus. Jesus was not received by a Samaritan village as he was clearly intent on going to Jerusalem. James and John, rightly given the appellate “sons of thunder”, sought to bring fire upon them as Elijah had done. Jesus rebuked them alluding to the saving mission of the ‘whisper of a voice’ – found in Elisha. The chapter concluded with three would be disciples: 1) one man who wanted to make discipleship a second priority; 2) the second man would follow when family responsibility was passed – this would always be a problem and left with those people not willing to embrace the challenges of following Christ;3) the third man had business matters which required attention – Jesus told that man to learn the lesson of Elisha’s call (see1 Kings 19 verses 19 to 21).

7 days ago
7 days ago
Leviticus 25 tells of the year of the Jubilee (Hebrew, “Yobal”). This was the year of release for all manner of servitude; land reverted to the original family owner with the cancellation of all debts. It occurred every 50th year and began 49 years and 6 months after the completion of the previous Jubilee; and lasted for 1 year. Its commencement was marked by the sounding of the silver trumpet, which spoke of redemption. There are many incredible patterns associated with the Yobal, both in ancient times and also in the modern era. 1847 the series of lectures delivered by John Thomas, which produced the remarkable book “Elpis Israel” (at the same time Karl Marx released the Communist Manifesto in his book“Das Kapital”). 1897 was the first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, where Theodore Hertzl declared “today I founded the Jewish State”; which in fact occurred 50 years later on when in 1947 the United Nations Select Committee on Palestine, UNSCOP, decided to partition the Promised Land leading on to the declaration of the State of Israel on 14th May, 1948 (the flag of Israel was raised at midnight following that day – making it actually the 15th of May Jewish time; but the Declaration of the State of Israel had occurred on May 14th). Now for the chapter breakdown:Verses 1 to 7 Sabbath for the Land;Verses 8 to 13 The Year of Jubilee;Verses 14 to17 Regulations for sale and purchase;Verses 18 to 22 Exhortations against fear of shortages;Verses 23 to 24 Land rights ultimately belong unto Yahweh;Verses 25 to 28 Assistance to the poor to help withre-purchase;Verses 29to 34 Laws of house sales:Verses 29to 30 MetropolitanVerse 31 CountryVerses 32 to 34 Houses andfields of the LevitesVerses 35 to 38 Usury not to be taken from a brother;Verses 39 to 46 No Israelite to be made a bond slave, only of the Gentiles;Verses 47to 55 Redemption of a poor Israelite from servitude to a stranger.
Psalms 135 and 136 speak of identical themes, but with slightly different words. The recurring phrase in Psalm 135 is the need to praise the name of Yahweh because of His mighty deeds on behalf of His people, Israel. The Psalm could be entitled, “Your Name, O Yahweh, endures forever”. The Psalmist traces God’s awesome deeds performed on behalf of Israel from the time the patriarch Jacob, that is Israel, took possession of the Promised Land. The nation was our Sovereign’s peculiar treasure, as verse 4 tells. The song traces the providence of the Almighty for His people as He delivered them from Egypt. It outlines their Maker’s care for them in giving them victories over the giants of Sihon the king of the Amorites and Og, king of Bashan. Their Omnipotent Creator gave them the Land promised to their faithful forefathers. What power in heaven, or in earth, is comparable to our LORD’s. The gods of the heathen are impotent idols. And as verse 18 declares, “They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that trusts in them.” Who is it that you have placed your trust in? Hopefully not in yourself. For what folly that would be! Hopefully you are not striving for material success. Again, how futile is that! But slowly read aloud the final three verses of the song and make the affirmation with the Psalmist, “Blessed be Yahweh out of Zion, who dwells in Jerusalem. Praise to Yahweh (Hallelujah)”.Psalm 136, as Psalm 135, commences by praising the creative might of our Omnipotent Creator. It once more outlines the Almighty’s providential care for His people, Israel. The choir would sing of the victorious LORD and His triumphing over every foe of His people. Then the entire nation would acclaim that truth by uttering the refrain, “O give thanks to the Lord of lords…”, or “to the God of gods”; and similar phrases dotted throughout the Psalm. However the most pronounced; and greatly emphasised refrain is, “for His mercy endures for ever”. Repetition is a great tool for learning and understanding the core message of the Psalm. Never let us forget that,“OUR SOVEREIGN’S MERCY ENDURES FOR EVER”.And let us praise and thank Him constantly for that wonderful and dependable character of our God.
Luke chapter 8 begins by naming some of the women who accompany our Lord and his Apostles. Among them was Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s nobleman (consider some of the difficulties this may have occasioned – perhaps very similar to Obadiah, the steward of Ahab; who had fed 100 of Yahweh’s prophets during the great drought). The Parable of the Sower is taught, as the basis of understanding all of our Lord’s parables. As we have seen it can be called the parable of the soils; as the seed sown is the same – it was the response that differed. The chapter then records an explanation from Jesus as to why our Lord spoke in parables. It was to reveal the message to the seekers and to confound the self righteous. The teaching by parables is a fulfilment of Christ’s mission and is explained in Psalm 78:1-4 and Isaiah 6:1-13. Then follows the parable of the lamp on the table which outlines the disciple’s responsibility to spread the Gospel. Jesus’ mother and brothers, being concerned for him, seek to curtail his preaching. They are told to join the supporters rather than those who are slowing down God’s work. Next Jesus calms a storm demonstrating that he is indeed the Son of God (see Psalm 107 verses 23 to 32). The chapter then says that he heals the man called Legion. Whose curing is proved by the destruction of the pigs. The Jews should not have been breeding these as the Law of Moses forbad it. The record follows with the curing of the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years (note Luke’s ironic comments about his fellow doctors). Then Jesus raises the twelve year old daughter of Jairus (whose name means ‘enlightenment’) and presents her alive to her parents. Christ shows that he is indeed the Good Shepherd of John 10 when he said to the child “little lamb arise”.

7 days ago
7 days ago
Luke 7 begins with the healing of a faithful and loved Roman Centurion’s servant. The Centurion had built a synagogue for the Jewish people – most likely in Capernaum. As a man in command and also under the authority of Rome he saw our Lord Jesus Christ as the emissary of God. Jesus announces that the Centurion’s faith exceeded any faith that could be found in Israel. This man was truly the seed, and heir of Abraham’s kingdom (Romans 4:13; Genesis 12:3). In the town of Nain Jesus raises a widow’s son. Messengers are sent to our Lord Jesus Christ from a disconsolate John the Baptist, who was languishing in Herod’s prison at Machaerus. Jesus immediately performs many miracles before John’s messengers and refers them to Isaiah 61. The Lord then remonstrates with the crowd on their fickleness – Jesus and John are both the Father’s wise children. Not a greater man among had ever been born of a woman than John, except the Messiah himself. The chapter next says that a sinful woman, who comes into the house of Simon the Pharisee, anoints Jesus’ feet in love – and because of her great love she is forgiven greatly for her sins. Simon and those with him are instructed by Christ on the basis of divine forgiveness ie love. Let us pause, ponder and learn this.